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Sally Sargent

Piano / Fortepiano

Archives 2005

Masterclass Chopin

Rédigé par Sally Sargent - -

Interpretation, aesthetic, and touch in the music of
Frédéric Chopin

on original Pleyel Instruments of the period

held for the Historical Keyboard Instruments Class of
o. Univ. Prof. Gordon Murray - Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien


Lire la suite de Masterclass Chopin

Classé dans : Non classé - Mots clés : Chopin

Masterclass Vienna

Rédigé par Sally Sargent - -

Masterclass on Classic and Early Romantic playing traditions

Sally Sargent

May 12-13. Vienna, Austria

Including a Lecture on the Streicher family of piano builders by Alexander Langer

Streicher 1841 - Pleyel 1835
open to pianists and fortepianists and other keyboard players

Classé dans : Non classé - Mots clés : aucun